Whether you are local or international, Monika's Art Boutique Memberships are here to help you stay creative all year long!
Local Monika's Memberships for families include an array of benefits including monthly access to our best services. For kids, your family will have access to movie nights, pro days, weekend workshops, art camps, one painting party, our online art school as well as a bi-monthly subscription box mailed to your home! For adults, your membership includes an all access pass to all of our adult classes and specialty workshops. Everything you need to stay creative for one low monthly price! $109.50/MONTH
Our Digital Monika Membership includes access to digital bundles to help you stay creative from anywhere in the world! Access to unique curriculum, video tutorials, as well as colouring sheets to help you as a parent, teacher or crafty creator all conveniently sent digitally to your inbox! $25/MONTH
All members will have access to private membership offers, bonuses throughout the year, as well as exclusive invitations with guest passes to in person and online events! All members also have access to a private group for members only where they can network, share their creations and stay connected to other creatives in our membership from around the world.



Stay Creative with Monika's!
We strive to help all of our clients stay creative all year long. Whether you are near or far, our new membership plans have amazing benefits for you to enjoy. We know that busy parents, educators, and every day people need creativity in order to thrive! Be part of our membership this year and stay creative!
After teaching for 20 years, Monika has personally seen the benefits of what creativity can do for young and old alike. Some of the benefits she has personally seen in her time as an educator to children, teens, adults and fellow educators include increased confidence and self-esteem, enhanced problem solving and critical thinking skills, as well as valuable individual, community and worldwide connections made as a result from participation in art classes, artistic creative community workshops or events, and local and international art retreats. The research today shows that creativity is one of the most important aspects for a healthy, happy and thriving individual in today's world.
Our membership plans are tailored to ensure imagination is stimulated via an array of services to keep your children, your students or yourself creative while also fostering a tight community via private membership portals only available to members.
Did you know?
Creativity in the classroom correlates with students who are more engaged and confident. They take responsibility for their learning, feel confident about mastering complex material, are willing to take risks and display a strong desire to learn more about the subjects taught in school.
Participation in art-based programs significantly impacted academic achievements, with increases in grades for language, math, art, and overall GPA.
Art-based programs positively impact socio-emotional skills, fostering awareness, experimentation, creativity, and improved student relationships.
Creativity is linked to 9 of the top 10 essential skills.
90% of business leaders believe creativity is essential for competitiveness in the market.
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